
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Woah! Memories!

Cleaning is one of my least favorite things to do but I have to say that organizing everything in my room is making me have flashbacks like no other! I hate to admit it, but I'm a pack rat! I keep everything if I think it even has some meaning to it. I always tell myself, "you'll go through these drawers again and remember this!" Pshh. Things end up piling up so much, I can't even close my drawers. It's bad. Anyways, I cleaned out my desk drawers and found photo albums of when I was a kid. Holy déjà vu! I'm currently in the process of putting them all into one big photo album! I just recently put together scrapbooks to hold all of my memories (e.g. Gymnastics ribbons, a poem I wrote from second grade, a note from my parents on my 14th birthday, etc.) My favorite thing about making scrapbooks is that I know somewhere down the road, I can look back on this completed project and be glad that I took the time to put it together. I have two more scrapbooks underway!

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